Welcome to our Findmychalet.ca F.A.Q. page!

Welcome to our Trouvermonchalet.ca F.A.Q. page! We're happy to answer your frequently asked questions about our Quebec cottage rental platform. Below you'll find detailed answers to help you better understand how we work and the benefits we offer. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help!

At Trouvermonchalet.ca, vacationers can search and book available cottages in Quebec using our advanced search filters. Once they've found a cottage that matches their criteria, they can contact the owners directly via our integrated messaging system to ask further questions or make a reservation.

To become a Trouvermonchalet.ca advertiser, simply register on our platform by providing the required information. Once registered, you can create your ad, add photos and details about your cottage, and start receiving booking requests from interested vacationers.


As a cottage owner, becoming an advertiser on Trouvermonchalet.ca offers you many advantages. You can benefit from a user-friendly member area where you can easily manage your ads, communicate directly with vacationers via our messaging system, track your ad statistics, modify your ads at any time, and enjoy increased visibility thanks to our platform and social networks. What's more, you can synchronize your calendar to efficiently manage your availability and avoid double-booking.

As a business owner offering tourist attractions for vacationers, Trouvermonchalet.ca offers you an excellent opportunity to promote your business. By becoming an advertiser, you can showcase your services to a target audience of vacationers interested in tourist activities. You'll benefit from increased visibility through our platform and social networks, and you can include links to your website or social networks to strengthen your online presence.

As a cottage maintenance services company, Trouvermonchalet.ca offers you a platform to promote your services to cottage owners. You can reach a wider audience and increase your customer base by offering your maintenance services to cottagers on our platform. You'll benefit from increased visibility, and you can include links to your website or social networks to strengthen your online presence.

We offer ad enhancement options to help you attract more attention from vacationers. You can choose to highlight your ad.

On Trouvermonchalet.ca, payment terms are agreed directly between vacationers and owners. Our platform does not process online payments. Owners may choose to accept payment by bank transfer, cheque or any other mutually acceptable payment method.

To contact our customer service department, you can use the contact form available on our website. We strive to respond promptly to all requests and provide personalized assistance to our users.

Contact us

Cancellation policies may vary by owner. You should consult the specific cancellation conditions indicated in the advertisement for the chalet you have booked. To cancel a reservation, you must contact the owner directly and follow their cancellation instructions.

Transaction security and data protection are top priorities for Trouvermonchalet.ca. We implement advanced security measures to protect users' personal information and transactions. We also use encryption protocols to ensure data confidentiality.

Trouvermonchalet.ca is a matchmaking platform and does not intervene directly in transactions between vacationers and owners. In the event of a dispute, we encourage the parties concerned to contact each other to find an amicable solution. If a dispute persists, we recommend that you consult the applicable local laws and regulations or seek legal advice.